Steve Jobs is dead… on October 5, 2011, around 3:00 p.m, at his home in Palo Alto, California, aged 56…cause of death is respiratory arrest/pancreatic cancer..
Aku masa tu (hari Jobs mati) baru masuk opis, officemate aku ping aku kat office communicator (macam Mesengger la, tapi untuk dalam opis gua je). Dia baru habis meeting (conference over the phone je) dengan manager dari somewhere in US. Dia ping aku sebab nak mengadu/mengeluh/mengomen pasal meeting dia ngan si polan tu, macam biasala… lepas tu dia cakap si polan tu bagitaw Steve Jobs da mati..
“Betul ka?” tanya beliau,
Aku plak, “huh Steve Jobs tu sapa??”
“Laa yang jual epal tu…”
Taw plak aku penjual epal mana tah mati..
Menjadi sejenis tabiat aku yang addicted ngan Google ni, sepantas kilat mengoogle, bajet macam ada je la semua info pasal penjual epal ke nenas ke durian ke kat database Google ni..
Sekali kua… laaaa mamat ni ke… ceq selalu tengok muka dia, tapi tak penah amek taw plak nama dia..taw la dia tu tauke iPad dan segala ai-ai ni…
Kaya-kaya pon mati cepat noo…DUSYUM!!
Monologueku terhenti di sini..
Macam biasa la…selalunya orang da mati ni baru nak dikenang-kenang...(??)
Aku pon camtulah…dah Google-gugel ni baru la nak amek peduli pasal Jobs yang mati dengan job-job dia sekali ni… barulah aku taw latar belakang beliau, apa dia dah buat, discover pic-pic dia muda-muda dulu, amazingly a geek could look that dashing..ahaks~ Ooohh beliau memang sangat hebat..banyak artikel leh jumpa yang dok praise his works, ideas, innovative inventions etc… aku takyah citer a..banyak da blog citer pasal dia..
Tapi aku suka some of his quote seperti:
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.” - I’ll definitely take this into account since I still don’t feel like my current job is what I’ve been dreaming of.. keja for the sake of gaji je!!
“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we have done something wonderful, that’s what matters to me”. - kan betul? Kat kuboq kita sume sama je..err itukah yang beliau cuba sampaikan?
“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. And the reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences or they have thought more about their experiences than other people”. – so Jobs ni creative ke innovative? More to creative I think since dia tak invent new things, dia mengbestkan sesuatu yang sedia ada, macam Zuckerberg curi idea Winklevoss.. haha~And the list goes on… and I’m still in the introduction/mukadimah lagi.. the real topic/argument has not started yet ..haha..tolong sabar dan terus baca plz..maceh~
Jadi sejurus selepas berita kematian beliau sampai kat rakyat Malaysia, dak-dak yang keje opis ni mula la update status pesbuk dorang pasal Jobs (cakap orang konon.. aku pon buat jugak..hihi) Ayat-ayat semua cam diorang kenal betul je Jobs tu.. bunyik cam jiran dorang je meninggal … (ini aku tak buat)
Ok la acceptable lah kot since bukan calang-calang orang beliau nih (Steve Jobs ok, bukan Milosevik)...bukan cala bala cili bili culu bulu nye orang taw.. so it might give such great impact lah.. to Apple users specially..dorang mesti rasa cam “ohh the end of our Apple-wonderland…awww awwwwwhh!!! “ Kot la kot..tataw tataw..
Maka berlarutanlah senario orang-orang memuji-muji kebestan beliau, menangisi berkabung dan sebagainya di atas kematian beliau, termasuklah artis, tauke company-company, termasuk company aku keja ni yang ada collaboration ngan company Jobs tu..bukak homepage je nampak headline pasal Paul talk about how a genius Jobs was.. inspiring person bla bla bla..
Shockingly, and unexpectedly (okay nak sampai dah ni) today on my Facebook Home there's a friend of mine shared this pic of a newspaper cutting with an article entitled Steve Jobs wasn’t great; he wasn’t even close.
Wah wah…sedap-sedap mulut (tangan kot) beliau menulis..the writer is a great person ke? Aisey emo macam kenal Jobs sangat..ahaks~
Ok penulis Neeraj Thakur, obviously an Indian la kan… mempertikaikan orang ramai yang tak semena-mena dok sedih-sedih dengan kematian Jobs, kerana bagi pendapat Neeraj ni.. apalah sangat sumbangan Jobs ni terhadap komuniti?? (ala-ala Edisi Siasat gitu)
Jobs menciptakan gadget-gadget cool macam iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad.. tapi apakah sumbangannya terhadap orang miskin? Gadget-gadget dia cipta tu bukan takat orang miskin, orang kurang miskin pon lom tentu leh pakai… kiranya golongan kaya ja lah merasa sumbangan atau sentuhan Jobs ni.. Jobs tidak menyentuh orang miskin.. sedikit pon tidak..jadi apa yang great sangat pasal beliau? Soal si Neeraj…
Lalu si Neeraj membandingkan Jobs dengan pencipta obat untuk penyakit polio (gua bukan berbackgroundkan medic,takleh nak citer banyak ar) , Jonas Edward Salk .. si Neeraj ni bercakap pasal Salk yang telah menemui polio vaccine ni untuk melawan penyakit polio yang menyerang dengan dasyatnya suatu masa dulu dalam tahun 1955 gitu, punya dedicatednye Salk ni buat research segala bagai dengan niat yang suci tanpa mengharapkan keuntungan atau nama…ini baru GREAT (menurut Neeraj)..
His sole focus had been to develop a safe and effective vaccine as rapidly as possible, with no interest in personal profit. When he was asked in a televised interview who owned the patent to the vaccine, Salk replied: "There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?" – sumber Pakcik Wiki
Haaa punya bijak Neeraj ni membandingkan seorang medical researcher dengan seorang geek and hi-tech business entrepreneur , dan menyuruh kita ponder upon the definition of the word GREAT in describing or calling not just anyone..but must be someone who touches all levels of society, without a profit interest and changes the world…bla bla bla…
Ironically this friend of mine , is actually using iPhone (FYI aku cuma ada iPod shuffle yang aku dapat as door gift and still in its packaging..) By sharing this article in her Facebook wall, it looks as if she’s agreeing with the writer.. well this girl is someone I admire for she’s an aggressive, and argumentative type of person, with a good critical thinking skills, not just typical Malay I suppose she must be seeing this article from a perspective that I don't quite understand...
Dan komen-komen kat gambar (newspaper cutting tu) pon banyak orang menyokong si penulis.. Aku tak baca dari gambar tu sebab tak clear, so aku search artikel tu dan jumpa di sini. Banyak gak komen kat link tu, tapi komen si nash37 from L.A ni macam make sense jugak..dia hentam si Nareej ni…
Neeraj Thakur, I have no idea how you got a job as a journalist. You are typing this information on a computer which might not have been in your office if it wasn't for Steve Jobs. Comparing Steve Jobs to asshole politicians in India ? Really ?. Do your homework properly before you get any thoughts like this in your stupid little brain. I am so relieved that many Indians disagree with you. I was so irritated by your article that I couldn't resist registering to this website to post a comment. You have know idea of the consequences of writing like this. People post this on facebook and there will be a bunch of stupid people liking and commenting on how great this article is without having a clue about how the computer industry was revolutionized. I pity you, get a life.Komen dari Simplicity from Singapore ni lagi best…
For once in your life stop harping on stupidity of the weak, this world is a materialistic, cut-throat and money-hungry society. You know what? Live with it.
Clearly right now you are just complaining, "oh Steve Jobs didn't donate to India, he is not a great man." So now everything is expected to be GIVEN rather then earned? The world cannot progress unless the rich donate to the poor? I am sorry but we do not live in an era where there is a war at every other corner, or in a place where food is at a shortage. We live in a era whereby conditions are perfect for thriving. So why shouldn't then be the greats labelled as one who has thrived the best?
We aren't looking for saints in our modern context. No, we are looking for individuals who make a difference to the world. Not for better of the MINORITY of poor individuals, who exist either way but for the AVERAGE human in this world. Yes, it is true that he has no provided any monetary donation to whatever rubbish cause you expect him to. But he has given to the world innovation, creativity, productivity, progress, success, inspiration, technology, ideas, potential, growth.
Frankly, all of which outweighs helping the poor. Do you honestly believe by contributing $1000 a year hell even $1000000 a year your helping anyone? It barely covers the salaries employees of these "Aid the needy" companies. Be smart, today if you wanna help its by pushing up the top so the bottom naturally trickles up.
Steve Jobs is DEFINITELY a great man. Don't be a hater, hater.
So Neeraj, response pleezz.. hehe
Ok sebagai penutup (intro nak panjang, penutup selalu ciput je, dari SPM kot!!) , mari lah kita pikirkan; Wajarkah penulis Neeraj ni nak tulis macam tu pasal Jobs? Atau adakah penulis ni telah menjadi seorang pencetus minda di mana dia melawan arus; dunia memuja Jobs dan berkabung dengan kematiannya tapi Neeraj yang maybe think out of the box, atau dapat melihat dengan jauh atau melihat dari sudut paling berbeza, telah membuat kita terpikir yang Jobs tak entitled to be called “a great person”? Will this enrage lots of Apple fans and will there be lots of blogs (or anything) posted to scold the writer (making him somewhat famous and on everybody’s lips for at least a week!)? Atau membuat kita terpikir Neeraj penah apply keje kat Apple tapi kena reject langsung kah? Apakah?
p/s: mengharapkan blog post mana-mana blogger in response to this Neeraj's article..kepoh lah aku!
perghhhh madia x amek tau sgt..madia bukan apple fan...madia sony e fan..haha
ReplyDeletetapi ye la..nak pnggil steve job great pon xleh jgk sbb barang dia xsampai ke semua org.. tapi tak leh la banding dgn seorg doktor..bukan doktor tu sorang je come out dgn vaksin ka pa ka..ramai lagi doktor dalam dunia ni..
tapi madia rasa geek mcm steve job ni xramai..bill gates salah sorg geek yg d greatest.. sbb limited num of great geeky mcm ni la steve job layak dpt title great..great dalam bidang dia la kot..
haha...aku expect ramai blogger nak crita psl artikel ni, tp it seems like no one wants to pay attention to this fame craver journalist..only me? what?? ~nak delete ke entry ni??
ReplyDeletepositive minded....just can bring u to the successful :)